The most local weather information
For the entire agricultural sector
“If it is raining in the evening, I take a look on the app and can directly conclude where I can and where I cannot go to the next morning for my planning.”

Our weather stations
On a single 2m pole all key meteorological measurements are performed. Every 10 minutes, these measurements are sent to the cloud and the applications. Learn more about the measurements:

RainExact Rain gauge
Rain fall amounts are measured every 10 minutes. The rain gauges empties automatically with a battery life of several years.

All advantages

Our weather stations
On a single 2m pole all key meteorological measurements are performed. Every 10 minutes, these measurements are sent to the cloud and the applications. Learn more about the measurements:

RainExact rain gauge
Rain fall amounts are measured every 10 minutes. The rain gauges empties automatically with a battery life of several years.

All advantages

“If it is raining in the evening, I take a look on the app and can directly conclude where I can and where I cannot go to the next morning for my planning.”

AgroExact App
All information in your own hands